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We are Wieland & Associates, a dedicated team of appraisal experts committed to providing accurate, unbiased property valuations

Our Services


Real Estate Appraisal is the analysis and study of a particular property's value as at a specific effective date. Appraisal valuation dates can vary in time from a property's current value, retrospective value and 'as if complete' hypothetical value (typically used for financing new construction projects).


We provide appraisals for small commercial properties within the Ottawa and surrounding area. Please submit your request and we will perform free preliminary analysis and provide you with a quote and direction moving forward. Types of Commercial Appraisals we perform: Land, Retail, Office, Industrial, Multifamily, Special purpose

Mortgage Financing

Mortgage lenders often require appraisals to ensure that the value of their investment is accurate and equitable. Our appraisers are approved by lenders and our appraisals are known and trusted throughout the industry because of our high level of due diligence and quality of reports produced. Each lender features their own specific terms of reference (lenders guidelines) and our appraisers complete every appraisal according to each individual lender's requirements. Over decades of experience we have developed a first class database that helps us to provide precise values and analyze true market trends. We take great pride in ensuring our clients' interests are protected.

Capital Gains

As of January 1st, 1972 investment property sales are subject to a Canada Revenue Agency Capital Gain. Our appraisers are trained to complete appraisals for Capital Gains purposes specifically for CRA. We will gladly take the time to explain what Capital Gains is, how it affects your Real Property investment, whether or not you may need an appraisal & what current or retrospective effective date(s) should be considered.

Consulting Services

Wieland and Associates Inc. provide consulting services for all aspects of real property. Whether it be an appraisal, review or consulting assignment please feel free to submit any question or situation you have and we will perform free preliminary analysis of your particular request. From there we will provide you with a fee quote and scope of work to be completed. We will complete thorough due diligence and provide comprehensive analysis and/or report(s) in order for a viable solution to be met and sound business decision to be made. Our Consulting Services Include: Highest and Best Use Analysis, investment Properties, 'As if Complete',hypothetical valuations for financing New Construction Projects,Pre / Post Renovation Projects, Estate Planning, expert Witness for Mediation and Arbitration Hearings / Court Testimony, Due Diligence, Market Research, Lease Analysis, MPAC Assessment Appeals

New Construction

We provide appraisals and consulting services for all new construction proiects from the outset to completion. Our highly trained appraisers analyze construction plans and provide accurate 'as if complete' appraisals. It is very important for all parties involved (lender, builder, investors, owners etc.) to know the current market value of a new construction project at the outset in order to make sound business decisions and ultimately complete a successful build. During the construction process we will provide progress reports confirming the level of percent complete for financing to be in order. Our appraisers will explain the construction and financing process from the appraisal and progress report standpoint at the outset of the project so all parties are of the same understanding. We can perform Highest and Best Use analysis to ensure the construction project maximizes the utility of the site. The key principles to be considered during a Highest and Best Use analysis are what is physically possible, financially feasible, legally permissible and maximally productive as well as what is not only possible but what is probable.

Pre-List and Pre-Sale Valuations

Many sellers and buyers hire an appraiser to provide a valuation of the subject property prior to selling and buying. Quite often sellers and buyers obtain a real estate agents 'opinion' of market value however move forward to hire an appraiser that does not have a vested interest in the subject property at hand. Our appraisers are not paid a commission contingent of the value of the property, rather are hired to provide a fair, unbiased value of the subject property. We take great care in providing accurate valuations as our valuations will be market tested after they are completed and as such our reputations are on the line. Not only will we provide an analysis of recent comparable properties sold we will complete a thorough analysis of what is currently offered for sale on the market within the subject property's immediate micro area. This is very important as you will know exactly what your property will be competing with once it is listed for sale.

Power of Sale / Foreclosure

In the unfortunate event where a mortgagee does not satisfy the payment terms of the mortgagor a sale of the subject property will most likely occur. Hiring an appraiser to provide a fair market value helps to protect all interests involved (ie. Lenders investment & owners equity) as we are independent and unbiased.

Relocations - Government and Employee

Our appraisers understand the Government and Emplovee relocation process and also how important the appraisal is during a Government or Employee Relocation. We provide insightful analysis and an accurate list / selling price. We are approved relocation appraisers that are trained on all different Relocation form types. We specialize in Canadian Employee Relocation Council (CERC) appraisals and can also provide forecasting information.

MPAC Assessment / Tax Appeals

We have a specialized team of appraisers who have previously worked for Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). This invaluable knowledge allows us to provide effective appraisal reports that can lower the assessed value of your property and ultimately reduce the amount of property taxes you pay (retroactively to the effective assessment date). The property assessment and taxation policy is complicated and our team having thorough knowledge of the Assessment Act will most likely assist in favorable outcomes. Prior to being retained we will take the time necessary to explain the process and how we can help moving forward, free of charge.

Insurance / Replacement Cost Valuations

Typically replacement cost reports are completed for insurance companies to determine a building's 'rebuild' cost. Using Marshall and Swift as well as pertinent market costing information we provide a comprehensive valuation of a property's replacement cost. We also provide appraisals for insurance companies where there has been water or fire damage.

Expropriation / Right-of-Way Acquisitions

Governing authorities have the right to expropriate a temporary easement, permanent easement, partial taking or full taking of your property subject to statutory regulations. The goal of expropriation is designed to benefit the overall Public. Valuing property for Expropriation purposes involves a lengthy process with many factors at stake (Market value, injurious affection, business loss, damages attributable to disturbance, special difficulties in relocation, other items of compensation etc.). The President of Wieland & Associates Inc. has previous experience working for Municipal Governments specifically in Expropriation and as such you can rely on professional services being provided.

Wills & Estates

Hiring a professional appraiser is an integral service that will help to facilitate amicable and viable estate planning and settling. The reason an appraisal is an integral part of the estate planning and settling process is because an appraiser provides an appraisal report with no vested interest and no attached emotions to the subject property or the situation at hand. Rather, the function of an appraiser is solely to provide a fair and equitable value of the subiect property to facilitate an amicable and viable resolution. Appraisers at Wieland & Associates Inc. are third party, unbiased real estate professionals that will provide helpful services that you can be certain will facilitate an amicable and viable estate solution. We will take the time necessary to explain the process and end results to all parties involved.

Matrimonial / Separation of Assets

An appraisal by an unbiased, knowledgeable, trusted professional appraiser can provide clarity and a real sense of direction during a separation process. Our appraisers handle a separation with the utmost care and respect and although this process can be emotional vou can rest assured we will provide a fair, accurate, timely valuation. Hiring a third party appraiser helps remove emotions during asset divisions; ultimately moving forward to assist with an amicable resolution.Real property appraisals can also assist with Prenuptial Agreements. We provide thorough, diligent and accurate appraisals for current or retrospective effective dates. We take pride in the quality of product produced and stand behind our reports.

About Wieland Appraisals

Professional Designations

Expertise in residential and commercial property appraisals.

Who We Are?

Providing reliable appraisal services in Ottawa with decades of expertise.


Committed to client success and leading appraisal industry standards.

What Our Clients Say

Our clients consistently praise our services for their professionalism, attention to detail, and efficiency. Here's what they have to say about working with us.

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